Making "A Christmas story"
The Rowley Inn was, in our opinion, a very integral part of the filming of the movie "A Christmas Story" due to in part our location. We are located across the street from the famed house and would like to think that if "the old man" were to drink somewhere, it would be here. During the filming the upstairs of the building served as a location for make-up and wardrobe, and the bar served as a location for post-filming "meetings". Many extras in the movie were patrons who regularly frequented the bar and were there at a minutes notice when someone was needed, and several even still live in the neighborhood. For more information visit their website for the "A Christmas Story" house and museum.

The Steel industry
Cleveland, and much of our great nation, was built on the backs of the hard working "blue-collar" worker that toiled night and day in or great steel mills and factories that lined the Cuyahoga River. Without these workers our great city would not be what it is today. Cleveland is a city of hardworking individuals that fight for everything they have and will not back down from a challenge. We here at the Rowley Inn recognize those efforts and are grateful for being able to enjoy our lives because those who came before us worked so hard. We were built in 1906 and started as a "Third Shift" that was open early (5:30AM) for those that worked the mills and factories overnight and wanted a place to go to unwind after work.